
A very little nice thing I do -- GrandPowers

There is a Chinese saying -- 勿以善小而不為 勿以惡小而為之

"Do that nice thing, even if it is insignificant. Don't do that bad thing, even if it is trivial."

This saying was from one of the emperors during The Three Kingdoms era of China -- Liu Bei .
Liu Bei (劉備) passed away in year 223. This saying was what he left for the crown prince, reminding his son that a big thing can always be traced back to a small beginning. Therefore, it is important to always do the right things, not the wrong things, even if they are trivial.

I have been working on this non-profit venture with a team of fantastic volunteers for the past 6 months. This saying came back to me many times when I asked myself why I spent all this time and energy on something so basic and natural -- connecting grandchildren to grandparents.

http://www.grandpowers.com/ is just a pilot now. We plan to launch the beta site in September for the Grandparent's Day celebration.

Please submit a story if you can! Do that nice thing -- I believe your grandparents, no matter where they are, will be touched and find it meaningful.